Fat Bike Beat Down

Five and a half hours into the ride we ran down our list of aches and pains. “Oh God my butt is KILLING me”. “My hands are sore”. “My back and neck hurt”. “My knees are a mess”. “The balls of my friggin’ feet are sore” (Bryan was literally pedaling with his heels at this point).

It has been months since we’ve indulged in a beat down of this magnitude. Even longer since we’ve gotten up at 5:00am in sub-freezing weather for the beat down. 
Our Tour de Perkiomen (led by Rob – thank you FaceBook) used miles of scenic creek-side Perkiomen trail to string together a grind up the backside and down the front side of Spring Mountain and a spin around Knight Lake in Green Lane Park. Cool temps and a warm sun made for ideal riding conditions. 
Most of us were also on fat bikes which makes just about any ride more fun. Fat bikes are ironically very nimble and they go just about anywhere as long as have the legs to keep pushing the pedals. They also put smiles on the faces of civilians who think they look like clown bikes. 
And there is something immensely gratifying about suffering together and draining the tank bone dry once in a while.


“Suffering has a luminous beauty, and cleanses the mind in much the same way a wildfire clears an overgrown forest.”
     — Mike Ferrentino

P.S. Thanks to Kirk and Rob for the snaps.

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