
Today was the first FHHR since the Kingdom ’14 trip – a chance to catch up with friends I hadn’t seen in a while (two of whom were Kingdom ’13 riders who sadly couldn’t make this year’s trip).

Tangent: I’m embarrassed to say that I rode from the cheater lot (I didn’t know how my back would handle the milk run the The Beer Tree). I’m glad to report that, while still a bit tender, it felt OK and I am optimistic about Allegrippis ’14 which is just around the corner. Yes, two bike trips in one month. I am a lucky guy.

The Beer Tree flaunting
her stuff in the warm
evening sunlight
Dirty Penny Gets Nailed
at The Beer Tree

This Friday’s FHHR menu included home-made beef jerky, one of Jesse’s vegan chocolate coconut masterpieces, and beer “samples” from the up and coming Boxcar Brewery.

The company, the weather, and the low evening sun reflecting off the lake made it kind of magical. Especially the company.


“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”
     — Dr Seuss

One comment

  1. Mike · September 22, 2014

    Yes he did.


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